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Kids Challenge

Kids Challenge is for kids which love to do sports or have to learn how to have fun' doing sports.


Jesse would like to teach the kids about health and how important it is to sport on a young age. And that it can be really fun to do. The target group is from 4 to 17 years.
Each lesson is different with a variaty of games and courses, like sprinting, rope pulling , balancing, bootcamp course using include Hula Hoops and pawns, sling tag, relay with the aim to give you how to increase can work best in a team and your stamina.


Besides sport Jesse also gives the kids advise about food.


Kids Challenge is suitable to include after-school care , clinics , training and children's sports .

personal trainer van het jaar 2019_2020 gemeente weesp .JPG

"Voor de tweede keer uitgeroepen tot personal trainer van het jaar gemeente Weesp! Wow!!


Ik wil iedereen bedanken die op mij heeft gestemd. Ik ben mega trots op deze award en blij dat ik met mijn passie jullie kan helpen de gewenste doelen te behalen!

Let's keep investing in that Body and Mind of Yours."



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